2020 has been such a challenging year for everyone as we all learned to adapt to a new way of living, a new way of being socially responsible, a new way of caring for our family and for our community.

With your support, we have moved all of our in-person programming to a virtual platform, opened a food pantry for our community, continued to provide crisis support to many who have seen their situation change overnight and ensured that our older adults continued to be connected while staying socially distant.

As we look to celebrating the holidays a little differently this year, the Board and staff of the Irish Immigration Pastoral Center would like to thank you for your ongoing support and partnership. 

Over the past twenty years, thanks to your contributions and collaborative support, Irish Immigration Pastoral Center has gone through significant transformation and growth, now serving our community through:

6 Programs & 61 Services

This #GivingTuesday, we invite you to become part of the IIPC's #GivingWeek to support, advise and care for our Irish and Irish American communities.

The generosity of Irish and Irish Americans, like you, has allowed the IIPC to remain at the heart of this community, providing a parish without boundaries offering spiritual, social, legal and well-being guidance and advice to Irish who are thousands of miles away from home. Your support is critical, with a significant portion of our annual operating budget coming from your donations.

On this #GivingTuesday join the movement and support IIPC #GivingWeek! 

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